- NG Extension Manager -
All your extensions. In one place.
What's new in NG Extension Manager (v2.2.6)
A new design
We have redesigned the NG Extension Manager to a modern standard for you. This redesign enables more user-friendly, simpler and faster use.
Link System
To save you storage space, we changed Link.js to make an API request and include verified domains rather than locally from a file.*
Updates Page
We've added several features like caching**, while also improving the user experience. Get more information here >
* Previously, secure domains were loaded from a file on your computer by the link system. This file takes up space on your computer, so we have changed the link system by now fetching the file "online" from our API. However, this requires an internet connection, otherwise verified domains cannot be fetched.
** When you first open the updates page in NGEM, an internet connection is required. When opened, the releases are fetched from GitHub via API but then also stored in local storage for 1 hour, and then another request is sent and so on, this is done to minimize API requests. More information on how this works can be found here.
Security & Privacy
Everyone needs security and privacy. That's why we have developed systems that protect you from hackers and fraud.
Link Security System
We protect you from links. You have to confirm every redirect to an external website*. We warn you about unsafe websites that don't use HTTPS. And we tell you when a website is verified**.
Extension Verification
You can verify an extension by using our Extension Verification System. With this tool, we will tell you if the extension has ever been verified. If not, you may have an unsafe extension***.
* If a domain is verified, you can save the domain and skip verification when redirecting to the site.
** Sites are manually verified and not updated regularly. An internet connection is required to verify secure domains.
*** An extension is manually verified and may not be included in the list. We cannot promise you if the extension you tried to verify is safe. Requires an internet connection.
1 click and an extension is activated, deactivated, uninstalled.
1 click and you see all the details about the extension.
1 click and you filter specific extensions.
Yes, we value the user experience very much.
Download your favorite
NG Extension Manager
NG Extension Manager is the regular version. NG Extension Manager is robust, highly secure, modern and easy to use. NG Extension Manager (regular) gets updates faster than NGEM Dark Mode and includes all features.
By downloading you agree to our policies. See here.
NGEM Dark Mode
NG Extension Manager (Dark Mode) is, as you probably think, the dark version of NGEM. You get a complete dark mode that saves your battery more and doesn't destroy your eyes at night. The dark mode version gets updates later and sometimes earlier. Both get security updates at the same time.
By downloading you agree to our policies. See here.
How to Check for Updates in the NG Extension Manager
Open the NG Extension Manager Popup
Start by opening the popup for NG Extension Manager from your browser’s toolbar.
Click the Updates Icon
Once the popup is open, locate the updates icon next to the "?" (question mark) icon and click on it.
Wait for Data to Load
Give it a moment for the data to fully load. Then check if you are running an outdated version. This information is displayed below the NGEM title.
Check for a New Version
If the popup shows that a new version is available, scroll down to the blue cards. On the first card, click "View on GitHub" to be redirected to the GitHub page.
Download the Latest Version
On GitHub, scroll down to the "Assets" section and download the ZIP file. Follow the provided instructions to install the update successfully.*
NGEM: Custom Edition Coming Soon!
What is a Custom Edition?
A Custom Edition is a personalized version of NGEM made exclusively for you. Choose a background and action color, and we’ll create this version just for you.
These Custom Editions are officially provided by Nitra Global and are not available to anyone else. Custom Editions are valued at $129.
"NGEM is open-source; couldn’t I just modify the code myself?"
Yes, but with a Custom Edition, you get exclusive content that isn’t open-source and is tailored specifically for the buyer. These extras include additional features, an official image for your Custom Edition, and a function to open a popup displaying:
The extra features included in your edition
Your Custom Edition version
A unique order number so you can prove its authenticity to anyone!
An "action color" in this case is, for example, a button background color, a link color, a border hover color, ... and so much more! Everything that is a component and has a functionality - that's what you could say about most components!
Custom Editions are offered in English only. We will not translate NG Extension Manager into a specific language for you.